April 13, 2008

an april post

April Showers...
bring may flowers!

or mayflowers.

if you're my dad, and you think you're funny, that is.

When is everybody done with school?

I am ready for summer!

March 20, 2008

a march post.

an un-joke.

What do you call a man with a spade in his head?

You call him an ambulance. He may have fractured his skull.



February 28, 2008


So who all is going to be in town for spring break!? /// When is your spring break? It's so confusing in college cuz it seems like everyone's is different. But I think Vanguard and Calvin have the same spring break.

Anyways, anyone who's going to be in town over break... HANG OUT TIME!

I already posted this on my main blog but I will say it again.
Anyone who can go...
Downtown Disney, Saturday, March 1... 6:50 PM (not a minute later!!!)

February 14, 2008

another post.

happy single's awareness day everybody!


February 1, 2008

a post!

butter butter.


January 17, 2008

one month since the last post!

and... that's about it.
i am betting no one checks this anymore... and neither do i. actually, i've checked about twice since christmas.
that being said, if i don't see a comment here within a week, i am gonna kill the blog.
just to let you know.
or is that too harsh.
well, convince me. and we'll see what happens.

December 17, 2007

All I Want For Christmas is My LUNCH BUNCH!

I think we have most of it straightened out but here's my list.

1. I am so excited for our lunch bunch party tonight! Yay!!

2. Gingerbread party will be on the 22nd, and I believe it will start at 7pm at my house. That gives everyone time to eat dinner beforehand, although my mom says there will be some appetizers and snacks as well as the gingerbread stuff. :) And to clarify... YES guys can come to make gingerbread houses if they want to. It would be a little sexist to say girls only, besides what guy wouldn't want to make a gingerbread house only to smash it like he was Godzilla? (So says Wes). So yeah, guys come along. I'll post it on my blog or facebook or something.

3. New Year's Party? Is it happening for sure? Is Kevin having his party? That might be hard for some people to make both.

December 15, 2007


Hola Everybody! Okay so it seems like we for sure have a christmas party this monday night, the 17th, at Rebekah's house! But is the gingerbread party still on another night...which is yet to be determined...or is it on the same night? Just some questions i was pondering!
I'm so excited...omg! Ha ha! See ya all mucho sooono!

December 9, 2007

lunch bunch unite!

why hello there fellow lunch mates from 2007! indeed the holidays has come upon us and all of us shall be returning to southern california in the next few days (except for the few of us already here). well, i heard some rumors circulating that there were going to be christmas festivities where all of us shall unite once again, and i was informed to check the lunch bunch blog for more information. as a result, i am now posting this just because the lunchbunch blog is still alive.
it has been very entertaining reading the comments on the last 2 posts. i was laughing heartily.

well, all of these shindigs sound very merry. gingerbread making, gift exchange, saying hello, picking our noses...all are excellent ideas. tina- the gift exchange idea, i believe, is called 'elefante blanco' otherwise commonly known as 'white elephant'.

well, i hope everyone does well on their finals this week. do not stress over them and become butt-heads or fart faces, whichever one you prefer to be. finals are overrated. i also hope everyone has a safe trip back home. remember: JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON!

December 6, 2007

I need to start a new post before I get really confused...

Okay, so let's figure this out in a new post, shall we? The comment section on the last one is starting to get really confusing. Or maybe it's just me.

I think the general idea is that the girls are having a little Christmas party at my house, right? Do we want to do this Sunday night or on Monday? Either one works perfectly fine with me, as far as I know.

So leave a comment saying your preference: Sunday night or sometime on Monday.

I need to know so I can ok it with my parental units!

9 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 24, 2007

Christmas get-together!!

All right, everybody, Christmas is coming up!! You know what that means??? We're all going HOME!! Woot woot! And I just thought that we should start figuring out NOW-- what would be a good time for us all to get together? I know probably everyone will be pretty busy, and we're not all going to be home at the same times, so I think we should start planning now...

So leave a comment (PLEASE!) saying when you're going to be home. I, for one, will be going to Big Bear at some point over break (probably after Christmas day), so.... yeah. I don't know. Just say when you're going to be available, I guess. Because I want to see you all. And we can gladly get together at my house, or whatever. But anyway.

Happy Holidays, everybody!! Yippee!!!!!

November 11, 2007

Prayer requests, anyone?

Just leave them in the comment zone. I'd like to know if anyone wants anything prayed for...

And if you want one for me (even if you don't I'm giving you one): Pray that I can actually stick to my daily devotions. Because I am HORRIBLE at it. So that would be helpful.


Isn't this picture awesome?? I still love it. Therefore I shall post it. :D

I think the best part is Franz in the background. :)

October 30, 2007

Happy B-Day

Happy Birthday Shiloh!!!

hey everyone.. she is finally leagal!

and now... time for a black mail picture!!!

October 22, 2007

Quote of the day...

"I broke it's... tonsils?!?!"

October 19, 2007


i feel like i've been neglecting you, friends...

so here is a picture.

sorry about the poor quality. that is what i get for using a camera phone. anyway, those were a couple fashion sketches i did recently...

so yeah. i don't feel guilty anymore... :]

October 18, 2007

Peter Fish!

We got Peter Fish in LOFT!!! YAY
doesn't it bring back childhood memories :)

October 15, 2007

hello everyone

everone... post a picture of something... maybe we should all post a pic from our room... at home or at college... something.

lets get posting!

October 11, 2007

Ou sont tout les personnes?

Shiloh translate.

Post post post post post.

"See it in the new sunrise, see it break on your horizon, oh"

Guess what I'm listening to???

Just trying to keep up the blog here.

Hmmmmmmm, not much else. I should really be doing my theology homework.

Well, this is about the time of year in high school where we would all be procrastinating again. At lunch we would all be eating under our tree with our homework out, but none of us would really be doing it except Ester, and Jillian who would actually probably be in the library. :P Even though she chewed us all out when we ate lunch in there. :P

Yep. Just thought I'd remind you all of those days. Hmmmm.

Well, a bien tot tout le monde! I hope at least some of you read this! Actually, out of curiosity, how many of the lunch bunch still check this thing? I sometimes wonder...

A bien tot!

September 28, 2007

let me hear it

all right... everybody is moved in/settled in by now... i want to hear from people...
people who school just started for... how are classes???
people who have been in classes for a while now... what's new?

don't make me grab the defibulators for this thing.

just to get stuff going again...

i miss getting naked.
it's hard to adjust to never getting naked when you used to get naked with your friends almost every day.
if i don't get naked soon, i think i am going to go crazy.