August 4, 2007

Baby panda bear!!!!!!!!!!

Just to let you all know, there is a new baby panda at the San Diego Zoo! Born yesterday! I know you are all VERY excited over this news and are so glad I told you!! Don't try to deny it!

Hey, at least I'm POSTING on here, okay! Which is exciting enough in itself. It's really quite a feeling. You should try it yourself.

Keep the blog alive!!


cristina said...

viva la blog!!!
the panda population is moving on up.
the bamboo population is now decreasing.

by the way, i would like to know when all you calvin peeps are coming to michigan... because i say y'all should come over and party at my place (i'll explain later, but the brands call it my "appartment." it's quite fun)

let me know

Anonymous said...

panda panda panda!!!!!! since you like pandas so much, does that have any factor in you liking panda express???