February 1, 2008

a post!

butter butter.



cristina said...

hilarious... finally someone posts.

rebekah said...

...I'm confused
!But I love Justine

Anonymous said...

hooray for comments!
keep them coming people.
remember! the orange button is the button you press when you want to publish a comment. :]

Pennies, doctor, pennies!

Sarah said...

i started reading the post before i knew who wrote it and i figured it was justine... and i was right haha

Jillian said...

I have no idea what this is about. It somehow reminds me of that butter commecial.

justineeee said...

gosh sarah! what is that supposed to mean? >:[

just kidding. :D

the post is actually just lyrics from a song i like.

shizdog said...

Why does everyone keep putting the punctuation at the beginning of their sentences?

shizdog said...

Oh. That's why.